[ OK ] Starting up Drink OS [ OK ] Loading Drink Json [ OK ] Wondering about the universe... [ OK ] Programming drink protocols [ OK ] Anyone also miss karoke night? [ OK ] Decoding the beverage matrix [ OK ] Finding more Fireball [ OK ] Okiedokie then [ OK ] Taking a moment... [ OK ] Yelling at a cloud. [ OK ] Gathering heroes for the next raid... [ OK ] Using Blazor, deal with it. [ OK ] Thanking the Patreons. [ OK ] Finding Table 23... [ OK ] Going out to the deck for a bit. [ OK ] Masking up... [ OK ] Unlocking secrets of the Titans... [ OK ] Wiggling Drink OS so it works. [ OK ] Checking in with the server. [ No ] Come on little guy it's okay... [ NO ] On no the server is mad now! [ NO ] What have I done? [ NO ] I'm sorry server, please forgive me. [ OK ] Oh good will you load now? [ OK ] Starting up Drink OS again... [ OK ] Loading Drink Json [ OK ] Wondering about the universe... [ OK ] Programming drink protocols! [ OK ] Distilling some intergalactic spirits... [ OK ] Decoding the beverage matrix [ OK ] Mixing up some cosmic cocktails [ OK ] Laughing a real evil laugh. [ OK ] Summoning mana from the deep forests [ OK ] Aligning the stars for guidance... [ OK ] Merging realms of magic and mystery. [ OK ] Gathering heroes for the next raid... ....Welcome [Drink OS]:~ $_
An unhandled error has occurred. Reload 🗙